This collection of high school lessons and units was created as part of the TASRSs program. The program provided an opportunity for Nebraska high school science teachers to collaborate with UNL STEM faculty and graduate students engaged in applied STEM research around agriculture and natural resources. The program goals included developing innovative high school science lessons based upon contemporary applied science, enhancing teachers’ disciplinary knowledge, and enhancing pedagogical knowledge of STEM faculty and graduate students. During the pilot year, teams developed a series of high-school level lesson plans focused on biotechnology, pollinators and invasive species. These lessons align with science standards (Nebraska and Next Generation Science Standards) and are suitable for use in secondary science classrooms.
Conserving Bumble Bees Case Study
This standards-aligned, 5-E lesson provides students with a case study approach examining bumble bee population surveys and conservation strategies.
- Student Resources (Word Doc) (1.79 MB)
- Student Resources (PDF) (889.2 KB)
- Teacher Resources (Word Doc) (1.81 MB)
- Teacher Resources (PDF) (944.69 KB)
Pollinators in the Biology Classroom - Lesson Set
Pollinators in the Biology Classroom is a standards-aligned, 5-E life science unit that teaches about aerobic and anaerobic respiration, genetics, biotechnology, and food safety in the context of honey bees.
- Student Resources (Word Doc) (898.96 KB)
- Student Resources (PDF) (723.44 KB)
- Teacher Resources (Word Doc) (1.7 MB)
- Teacher Resources (PDF) (1.1 MB)
- Fermentation of Honey - Lesson 2 Presentation (PPT) (638.43 KB)
- Preservation Power of Honey - Lesson 3 Presentation (PPT) (4.43 MB)
Space Invaders: Ecology and Evolution of Invasive Species - Lesson Set
Space Invaders is a standards-aligned, 5-E life science unit teaching about the ecology, evolution, and effects of invasive species as it applies to both natural and agricultural ecosystems.
- Student Resources (Word Doc) (3.84 MB)
- Student Resources (PDF) (298.48 KB)
- Teacher Resources (Word Doc) (7.3 MB)
- Teacher Resources (PDF) (887.1 KB)
- What is an Invasive Species - Lesson 1 Presentation (PPT) (287.12 KB)
- Adaptive Traits - Lesson 2 Presentation (PPT) (1.52 MB)
- Natural Selection and Evolution - Lesson 3 Presentation (PPT) (6.78 MB)
- Controlling Invasive Species - Lesson 4 Presentation (PPT) (4.19 MB)
- Biocontrol of Invasive Species - Lesson 5 Presentation (PPT) (971.04 KB)
Golden Rice: A Genetically Engineered Solution to Vitamin A Deficiency - Lesson Plan
In this standards-aligned, 5-E lesson plan, students will learn about the development of Golden Rice, a genetically-engineered organism, as a way to combat vitamin A deficiency (VAD) in developing countries.
- Student Resources (Word Doc) (389.47 KB)
- Student Resources (PDF) (332.91 KB)
- Teacher Resources (Word Doc) (396.13 KB)
- Teacher Resources (PDF) (399.94 KB)
Biotechnology - Enviropigs - Lesson Set
Biotechnology: Enviropigs is a standards-aligned, 5-E life science unit focused on debating the application of genetic engineering to solve an environmental problem of nutrient pollution.
- Student Resources (Word Doc) (2.62 MB)
- Student Resources (PDF) (406.05 KB)
- Teacher Resources (Word Doc) (3.3 MB)
- Teacher Resources (PDF) (949.97 KB)
- Nutrient Pollution and Environmental Problem Solving - Lesson 1 Presentation (PPT) (692.37 KB)
- DNA Analysis and Protein Detection - Lesson 2 Presentation (PPT) (1.34 MB)
- Constructing an Argument - Lesson 3 Presentation (PPT) (160.04 KB)
- Article - Forsberg- An Environmentally Friendly Pig (20.8 KB)
- Article - Schmickle- Enviropig raises a whole new stink (15.32 KB)
- Article - Taylor- A Less Polluting Pig (13.32 KB)
- Article - Vestel- The Next Pig Thing (14.95 KB)
- Article - Surveys- Attitudes about Genetically Engineered Foods (35.49 KB)
- Article - Editorial, Minnesota Daily- Enviropigs will not help the environment (12.99 KB)
Genetic Engineering: Journey of a Gene - Lesson Set
Genetic Engineering: Journey of a Gene is a standards-aligned, 5-E life science unit that adapts the Journey of a Gene online learning modules created by Dr. Don Lee for the high school biology classroom.
- Student Resources (Word Doc) (1.11 MB)
- Student Resources (PDF) (619.9 KB)
- Teacher Resources (Word Doc) (1.86 MB)
- Teacher Resources (PDF (1.02 MB)
- Designing a GE Organism - Lesson 1 Presentation (PPT) (4.1 MB)
- Flower Anatomy and Plant Breeding - Lesson 3 Presentation (PPT) (352.76 KB)
- Backcross Breeding with Transgenic Plants - Lesson 4 Presentation (PPT) (5.16 MB)