Biotechnology - Enviropigs - Lesson Set
Biotechnology: Enviropigs is a standards-aligned, 5-E life science unit focused on debating the application of genetic engineering to solve an environmental problem of nutrient pollution.
- Student Resources (Word Doc) (2.62 MB)
- Student Resources (PDF) (406.05 KB)
- Teacher Resources (Word Doc) (3.3 MB)
- Teacher Resources (PDF) (949.97 KB)
- Nutrient Pollution and Environmental Problem Solving - Lesson 1 Presentation (PPT) (692.37 KB)
- DNA Analysis and Protein Detection - Lesson 2 Presentation (PPT) (1.34 MB)
- Constructing an Argument - Lesson 3 Presentation (PPT) (160.04 KB)
- Article - Forsberg- An Environmentally Friendly Pig (20.8 KB)
- Article - Schmickle- Enviropig raises a whole new stink (15.32 KB)
- Article - Taylor- A Less Polluting Pig (13.32 KB)
- Article - Vestel- The Next Pig Thing (14.95 KB)
- Article - Surveys- Attitudes about Genetically Engineered Foods (35.49 KB)
- Article - Editorial, Minnesota Daily- Enviropigs will not help the environment (12.99 KB)
Genetic Engineering: Journey of a Gene - Lesson Set
Genetic Engineering: Journey of a Gene is a standards-aligned, 5-E life science unit that adapts the Journey of a Gene online learning modules created by Dr. Don Lee for the high school biology classroom.
- Student Resources (Word Doc) (1.11 MB)
- Student Resources (PDF) (619.9 KB)
- Teacher Resources (Word Doc) (1.86 MB)
- Teacher Resources (PDF (1.02 MB)
- Designing a GE Organism - Lesson 1 Presentation (PPT) (4.1 MB)
- Flower Anatomy and Plant Breeding - Lesson 3 Presentation (PPT) (352.76 KB)
- Backcross Breeding with Transgenic Plants - Lesson 4 Presentation (PPT) (5.16 MB)
Prairie Protector - Lesson Set
The following four lessons are provided to connect the Prairie Protector digital game with broader learning objectives.
- Prairie Protector digital game (external website link)
- Lesson 1: Introducing Prairie Protector and Comparing Gameplay Strategies
- Lesson 2: Comparing the Game to Real-World Land Management Challenges
- Lesson 3: Looking Back: How Have Cultural Beliefs about Fire Changed Over Time?
- Lesson 4: A Systems Thinking Approach in Mitigating Woody Species Encroachment
- Lesson Pack (All 4 lessons)
Garden TOOLS - Video Tutorials
The Garden TOOLS video tutorials provide a guided introduction to getting started with the BBC micro:bit microcontroller including introducing the MakeCode for micro:bit coding platform and how to hook up the battery pack.
Garden TOOLS - Lesson Set
The Garden TOOLS lesson set is an agricultural technology and engineering curriculum designed for use with students in grades 3-5.
Garden TOOLS - Project Cards
The Garden TOOLS project cards provide guided instructions for BBC micro:bit coding projects that can be used to extend student learning. Project cards include will guide students to... design a soil moisture sensor to match different plant root depths, design a button to count garden visitors, and design an animated scarecrow to scare away pests.
BBC micro:bit FAQ
The Garden TOOLS program supports students in grades 3-5 to use and program the BBC micro:bit microcontroller to gather data on environmental conditions and create technology-rich solutions to a variety of garden challenges. This FAQ will provide some basic information about the most common questions regarding the BBC micro:bit.
Garden TOOLS - How-To Coding Guides
The Garden TOOLS how-to coding guides provide step-by-step instructions on how to program the BBC micro:bit in various ways to gather data in a school garden or other outdoor learning space.
Garden TOOLS - Professional Development
Our online professional development modules are intended to provide participants with on-demand and easy-to-understand training to help you get started with the Garden TOOLS resources.
- Module 4 presentation (PDF) (6.72 MB)
- Module 5 presentation (PDF) (8.46 MB)
- Module 6 presentation (PDF) (3.43 MB)
- Module 4 presentation (PDF) (6.72 MB)
- Module 5 presentation (PDF) (8.46 MB)
- Module 6 presentation (PDF) (3.43 MB)
Feeding a Growing Population - GMOs and Food Security Storyline
Feeding a Growing Population: GMOs and Food Security is a standards-aligned life science unit to help students understand GMOs and their benefits in feeding the future.