Garden TOOLS - Professional Development

Our professional development series is completely FREE and doesn't require any previous coding, programming, or computer science experience to be successful. It is built to support ALL educators who are interested in facilitating a technology-rich experience with youth in a school or community garden space.

In addition to providing participants with free, on-demand training resources, we are also offering micro-credentials (aka digital badges) to participants who complete Levels 1-3 of the professional development series. Earning a digital badge is not a requirement for participation, but participants may find value in adding these digital badges to their resume in order to communicate their competencies to current or future employers. 

So what are you waiting for? Feel free to click around and check out the various learning modules to learn more about what the Garden TOOLS professional development series has to offer!

Level 1

Sometimes the first step is the hardest to take. If you have never experienced block-based coding or worked with a BBC micro:bit before, then our Level 1 Training is a great place to start. Participants who complete modules 1-3 will be eligible to earn the Taking Tech Outside: Level 1 digital badge

Getting started with block-based coding

Become acquainted with the BBC micro:bit and block-based coding on the MakeCode for micro:bit website

Go to Module 1

Computational thinking

Learn about computational thinking and how students can develop their computational thinking skills

Go to Module 2

Moving code to the BBC micro:bit

Unbox the BBC micro:bit and gain experience transferring code from the MakeCode editor to the BBC micro:bit via USB cable or Bluetooth

Go to Module 3

Level 2

Ready to dig a little deeper and grow your facilitation skills? Participants who complete modules 4-6 will be eligible to earn the Taking Tech Outside: Level 2 digital badge.  

Scaffolding student coding experiences

Put the Use-Modify-Create learning progression into practice

Go to Module 4

Coding environmental sensors

Program the BBC micro:bit to measure light, temperature, and soil moisture.

Go to Module 5

Digging into the Garden TOOLS lessons

Take time understand the content and sequence of the Garden TOOLS lessons and learn strategies to support student-driven curiosity

Go to Module 6

Level 3

It's time to reap the rewards of your training and start implementing a Garden TOOLS experience! Participants who complete module 7 will be eligible to earn the Taking Tech Outside: Level 3 digital badge.  

Implementing Garden TOOLS with youth

Engage youth in a Garden TOOLS experience and reflect on the implementation process

Go to Module 7



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