Read and Watch

Watch the video provided to learn more about actions you can take to make the coding experience more engaging and less stressful for you and your students by following the steps in Use-Modify-Create learning progression. We have provided the module presentation slides as a PDF if you would like to follow along.

Make and Do

Try out the Use-Modify-Create sequence yourself.

  1. USE - Download finished code for one of the environmental sensors from our website and load it onto your BBC micro:bit. Explore!
  2. MODIFY - Try changing something about the code. It can be small or big. You might change the code to show a smiley face after it displays a measurement. Or you might try altering the code to measure a different variable entirely! Remember to adopt a growth mindset and keep in mind you are playing with code! Don't worry if you can't figure out how to program the micro:bit to do exactly what you want just yet. Give it time. You are just getting started.
  3. CREATE - As your confidence and curiosity grow, try creating something new! Maybe you create a code that triggers a sound when light level reaches a certain threshold? Maybe you come up with an entirely new project? It's up to you. Don't worry so much about if your creation is perfect or even useful. Just enjoy the freedom that comes with creating!

Share and Reflect

Record a quick video talking about your experience using, modifying, and creating code. What did you think of the sequence? How did you feel during each step of the process? Share your video with the group on Flipgrid

Go to Module 5