Project card sets provide a means of extending student learning in a guided fashion. To use each card set, start by printing the project cards using the links below. Fold and glue each card in the set. Assemble the cards as a book or hole-punch and place the cards on ring for students to flip through.
Project card sets can be used as a learning center activity, take-home activity, or afterschool club activity for students who feel comfortable with BBC micro:bit coding basics and are looking for more advanced engineering projects. The card sets can also be used in conjunction with the Garden TOOLS lesson set.
Design soil moisture probes that match the root depth of your plants
Need to know when you should water? Build customized soil moisture probes to match the root depth of plants in your garden.
Design a button to count garden visitors
Ever wonder how popular your garden is? Create a garden visitor counter that keeps track!
Design an animated scarecrow to scare away pests
Does your garden have a pest problem? Gardeners sometimes install scarecrows to keep away pests. Design a scarecrow of the future that moves based on changes in light level.
Note: Requires a servo