Prairie Protector - Lesson Set
The following four lessons are provided to connect the Prairie Protector digital game with broader learning objectives.
- Prairie Protector digital game (external website link)
- Lesson 1: Introducing Prairie Protector and Comparing Gameplay Strategies
- Lesson 2: Comparing the Game to Real-World Land Management Challenges
- Lesson 3: Looking Back: How Have Cultural Beliefs about Fire Changed Over Time?
- Lesson 4: A Systems Thinking Approach in Mitigating Woody Species Encroachment
- Lesson Pack (All 4 lessons)
How Can We Reduce Food Waste? – Food Waste Storyline
How Can We Reduce Food Waste is a standards-aligned science unit that helps students understand how environmental conditions affect the growth of organisms, which can then lead to food spoilage and waste.
Project Summary
Project A.C.R.E. is a team of faculty, staff, and students that develop research-based serious educational games to promote agroecosystem literacy, enhance understanding of sustainability, and increase awareness of STEM careers relevant to agroecosystems.
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