
Sustainable Agricultural Ecosystems - Lesson Set

This EPA-funded, standards-aligned unit presents students with a real-world challenge of sustainably using limited natural resources to produce food, fiber, and fuel for a growing human population.

What's Going on in This Graph - Nebraska Edition - Supplemental Materials

Need a template for students to share out their noticings and wonderings? We've got you covered with our Husker Wonder Notice and Wonder template and Husker Wonder Slide Deck template.

What's Going on in This Graph? - Nebraska Edition

Looking for a flexible way to practice noticing and wondering with your middle school or high school students? Check out this collection of graphs, maps, and charts! Each highlights a FEWSS (food, energy, water, and societal systems) topic and can be used as a focal point for students' sense-making discussions. You can use these as a bell-ringer, anchoring or investigative phenomenon, exit ticket, etc. Additional resources (notice and wonder t-chart template and class slide deck template) are provided to help you and your students get started!

AgPocalypse - Lesson Set

The following lessons are provided to connect the Agpocalypse gameplay scenarios with broader learning objectives.

AgPocalypse - Video Game

Farming is a balancing act. Are you ready to take on the challenge of maximizing production while using limited resources like land and water? Play AgPocalypse to test your skills!

AgPocalypse - Tutorial Videos

Need a quick start guide before playing the AgPocalypse digital game? Watch the video tutorials below led by game developer, Chloe Lehnert, in which she introduces each of the scenarios (Irrigation, Grassfed Beef, and Life Cycle Analysis) and provides some useful tips.

Beyond the Box - CASNR Edition

This edition of Beyond the Box is another interactive career exploration resource using Museum-in-a-Box technology that focuses on the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Users are able to hear personal stories from UNL faculty and staff about how they found their careers, how they make an impact on the SDGs through their work, and any advice they may have for those who are wanting to find a similar path. 

Project ACRE graphic
Project Summary

Project A.C.R.E. is a team of faculty, staff, and students that develop research-based serious educational games to promote agroecosystem literacy, enhance understanding of sustainability, and increase awareness of STEM careers relevant to agroecosystems.

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TASRSs program graphic
Project Summary

This collection of high school lessons and units was created as part of the TASRSs program. The program provided an opportunity for Nebraska high school science teachers to collaborate with UNL STEM faculty and graduate students engaged in applied STEM research around agriculture and natural resources.  The program goals included developing innovative high school science lessons based upon contemporary applied science, enhancing teachers’ disciplinary knowledge, and enhancing pedagogical knowledge of STEM faculty and graduate students.

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What's Going on in This Graph - Nebraska Edition graphic
Project Summary

The scientist and the citizen alike must make evaluative judgments about the validity of science-related media reports and their implications for people’s own lives and society.
A Framework for K-12 Science Education, p. 71

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