
What's Going on in This Graph? - Nebraska Edition

Looking for a flexible way to practice noticing and wondering with your middle school or high school students? Check out this collection of graphs, maps, and charts! Each highlights a FEWSS (food, energy, water, and societal systems) topic and can be used as a focal point for students' sense-making discussions. You can use these as a bell-ringer, anchoring or investigative phenomenon, exit ticket, etc. Additional resources (notice and wonder t-chart template and class slide deck template) are provided to help you and your students get started!

LOOPY: A Digital Tool for Thinking in Systems

LOOPY is a tool for thinking in systems created by Nicky Case. It allows you to quickly sketch system components (as circles) and their interactions (as arrows) and press play to simulate how a system behaves. In no time at all, you will be experimenting with negative and positive feedback loops, testing predictions, and, most importantly, having fun playing with your system creations.

Beyond the Box - Interactive Career Exploration

Beyond the Box is an interactive career exploration resource that leverages Museum-in-a-Box technology to bring to light the achievements of Black scientists in Agriculture and Natural Resource fields.

14 Habits of a Systems Thinker - Card Set

Practicing systems thinking habits can change the way you see the world and influence the actions or decisions you make. This card set from the Water Center for Systems Thinking introduces 14 habits of a systems thinker that you can start practicing today!

Beyond the Box - CASNR Edition

This edition of Beyond the Box is another interactive career exploration resource using Museum-in-a-Box technology that focuses on the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Users are able to hear personal stories from UNL faculty and staff about how they found their careers, how they make an impact on the SDGs through their work, and any advice they may have for those who are wanting to find a similar path. 

What's Going on in This Graph - Nebraska Edition graphic
Project Summary

The scientist and the citizen alike must make evaluative judgments about the validity of science-related media reports and their implications for people’s own lives and society.
A Framework for K-12 Science Education, p. 71

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Playing with Systems graphic
Project Summary

Practicing systems thinking habits can change the way you see the world and influence the actions or decisions you make. We created this project to help teachers and students explore some personally meaningful ways to playfully develop systems thinking skills. 

What is systems thinking? 

14 Habits of ST by Erin Ingram 

Systems thinking is an approach to problem solving and understanding the world. 

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Blue and Orange Beyond the Box Logo
Project Summary

Beyond the Box is a collection of resources that was created to utilize digital storytelling to support students in various grades as they explore their future. From promoting diversity to focusing on important human values, these collections of stories highlight how individuals have found their way into the sciences.  
The project is comprised of two main collections: Beyond the Box - Centering Black Voices in Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Beyond the Box - CASNR Edition. Both collections offer resources to collectively help...

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