Practicing systems thinking habits can change the way you see the world and influence the actions or decisions you make. We created this project to help teachers and students explore some personally meaningful ways to playfully develop systems thinking skills.
What is systems thinking?
14 Habits of ST by Erin Ingram
Systems thinking is an approach to problem solving and understanding the world.
It hinges on the recognition that systems are made of interconnected components that interact in non-random ways to bring about some sort of function or purpose.
Taking a systems approach to problem solving includes the ability to...
- Analyze problems within broader contexts
- Consider multiple cause-and-effect relationships
- Understand that near-term actions have long-term consequences and possible side effects
- Conceptualize the nature of change over time
LOOPY: A Digital Tool for Thinking in Systems
LOOPY is a tool for thinking in systems created by Nicky Case. It allows you to quickly sketch system components (as circles) and their interactions (as arrows) and press play to simulate how a system behaves. In no time at all, you will be experimenting with negative and positive feedback loops, testing predictions, and, most importantly, having fun playing with your system creations.
14 Habits of a Systems Thinker - Card Set
Practicing systems thinking habits can change the way you see the world and influence the actions or decisions you make. This card set from the Water Center for Systems Thinking introduces 14 habits of a systems thinker that you can start practicing today!
Systems Thinking for Resilience - Digital Lesson
Looking for a way to get started with the LOOPY tool? The Systems Thinking for Resilience learning module will provide a short video introduction to systems thinking and a quick LOOPY tutorial to help you start modeling a system that is personally meaningful to you. Participants will be asked to engage in reflective practice as they create a system model that answers the question, "How might a big change send ripple effects through your life and what actions can you take to build or maintain resilience during uncertain times?".