Practicing systems thinking habits can change the way you see the world and influence the actions or decisions you make. This card set from the Water Center for Systems Thinking introduces 14 habits of a systems thinker that you can start practicing today!
What is systems thinking?
14 Habits of ST by Erin Ingram
Systems thinking is an approach to problem solving and understanding the world.
It hinges on the recognition that systems are made of interconnected components that interact in non-random ways to bring about some sort of function or purpose.
Taking a systems approach to problem solving includes the ability to...
- Analyze problems within broader contexts
- Consider multiple cause-and-effect relationships
- Understand that near-term actions have long-term consequences and possible side effects
- Conceptualize the nature of change over time
The 14 Habits
The Waters Center for Systems Thinking has created a set of cards laying out 14 different habits of a systems thinker with key questions on their website. You can download the cards as a 1-page PDF document or check out the interactive card set which includes additional information on each of the habits and further questions to ponder.